一 、如何下载准考证?
★ 官方小贴士:
“If you have not yet completed the demographics information, you must complete it before accessing your ticket. Please access the July 2023 California Bar Exam application case record in your Applicant Portal and update the necessary demographic information. You will find instructions to update your profile with the missing information under the admittance ticket section.”
二 、如何安装机考软件?
IMPORTANT: Your login information is located at the bottom of this email! Please keep this information secure and safe!
例图为Mock Exam完成情况(展示页为2023年2月加州律师考试机考页面)
CABAR/NYBAR/SQE/OLQE/LLM/ClArb/CAMS/TOLES等,欢迎添加官方微信号小律咨询!微信咨询 :hjusbar