2022-10-14浏览量 333考试分享
The Labor Department ordered Wells Fargo to pay more than $22 million after ruling that the company
2022-10-12浏览量 34项目动态
量子计算:在新领域打击舞弊Technology tends to expand at lightning speed, and the emergence of quantum computing m
2022-10-12浏览量 33项目动态
CFE的演讲技能Get了吗?The ability to make a good presentation is a key skill for fraud examiners looking to
2022-10-12浏览量 58项目动态
四大会计师事务所之一,普华永道在意大利被罚款200万美元因其对英国电信审计时发现舞弊LONDON, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Britain's accounting watchdog sa
2022-10-12浏览量 62项目动态
在ESG大背景下谈对舞弊风险的管理E-环境 | S-社会责任 | G-公司治理环境、社会责任和公司治理(ESG)是当今众多媒体、论坛和专家讨论的热门话题之一。在这个相互联系日益紧密的世界里,信息流以纳
2022-10-12浏览量 144项目动态
Choosing an investigator with the right skill set is key to successfully resolving a fraud case. An
2022-10-12浏览量 57项目动态
“眨眼点头”并不能给高科技政府贿赂改名Raushi Conrad was a longtime, well-liked U.S. federal government high-tech specia
2022-10-12浏览量 54项目动态
原文标题:Blatter, Platini Finally Going to Court in FIFA Fraud Trial由ACFE China进行翻译,如需转载,请提前告知。Sepp Blat
2022-10-12浏览量 56项目动态
本文由ACFE China翻译,如需转载,请提前告知。迪拜因丹麦17亿美元税务舞弊案逮捕英国男子DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Dubai police said Fri
2022-10-12浏览量 64项目动态