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2022-10-14 09:54:05


Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how businesses run — especially in anti-fraud and compliance. Here we describe how to build an AI-focused, anti-fraud technology company and what mindsets, strategies and tactics work well for organizations and entrepreneurs.



Convergence of AI and anti-fraud

The ACFE’s Occupational Fraud 2022: A Report to the Nations notes the median financial loss per case was $117,000, with over one in five cases having losses more than $1 million. Half of those cases occurred because of a lack of internal controls or an override of existing controls. Clearly, there’s an ROI case to be made for improving internal controls and increasing compliance monitoring.


And in its most recent guidance, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) expressed its support for machine learning and collaboration across companies in a secure, data-sharing-type consortium.



Startups: What it means to be AI-focused

The goals of building a startup technology company versus an AI-focused one are notably different. 


Instead of trying to get a product out the door, an AI-focused company is attempting to make its predictive model(s) accurate. Instead of having traditional product features as milestones, an AI-focused company has measurable model results. The output is a prediction (e.g., 25% likely to be a potentially improper payment) versus a mathematical calculation, or a rules-based test or query.



How to build an AI-focused, star team

So, here’s the good news — as a fraud examiner, you’ve already completed the first checkbox and are on your way to building an AI-driven team. Looking at Table 2, you’ll note that building an AI-focused team doesn’t start with software engineers. It starts with you, the anti-fraud professional with the expertise to ask the right risk questions. And you don’t need to have all these individuals on your team from day one. Bring on the data analyst first, then seek to add the data scientist and so forth as your number of recoveries and demand increase. One warning, however, as you move down the chart: Market demand (and hence, the cost) of these individuals goes up.



AI tools to consider?

Data scientists can’t do much without the right tools. Giving them the resources to do great work helps inspire creativity.



Machine-learning algorithms

There are five general categories of machine-learning (ML) algorithms: supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, transfer and deep learning. The following are brief introductions to the categories.


  • Supervised learning is ideal when data is available, but the algorithm is unknown or missing. Supervised ML methods include random forest trees, decision trees, regression and neural networks. They’re quite often used to find patterns or “profiles” of potentially improper transactions and risk-driving variables.


  • Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, is ideal when there’s less information about the risks, but you want the data to help define itself by grouping like events (or transactions) together. This can be particularly helpful in fraud detection when you’re looking for anomalies or patterns in data without applying any preset rules.Techniques that can be used in unsupervised learning include K-means clustering and Apriori algorithms. 


  • Reinforcement allows a user to decide the best action based on the current state and learned behaviors that maximize the rewards. This approach is often used in robotics where the computer trains itself continually using trial and error. The machine learns from experience and tries to capture the best possible knowledge to make accurate business decisions. In fraud detection, reinforcement techniques can be helpful with some of the necessary data extraction and cleanup required to prepare data for analysis, for example.


  • Transfer learning focuses on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to a different, but related, problem. For example, knowledge gained while learning to recognize cars could apply when trying to recognize trucks. Transfer learning is good when problems are similar, the time to train a model is limited and results are needed fast. Bayesian networks and Markov logic networks are effective transfer learning methods. In an anti-fraud context, transfer learning can help uncover conflicts of interest by finding hidden patterns and relationships, such as in an unauthorized employee and vendor relationship. 


  • Finally, there’s deep learning. According to IBM, deep learning attempts to mimic the human brain — albeit far from matching its ability — enabling systems to cluster data and make predictions with incredible accuracy. Deep learning is ideal when there’s lots of unstructured time series data or data that’s not independent. Deep learning drives many AI applications and services that improve automation, performing analytical and physical tasks without human intervention. Deep-learning technology lies behind everyday products and services, such as digital assistants, voice-enabled TV remotes and credit card fraud detection, as well as emerging technologies, such as self-driving cars. 






Building an AI-focused anti-fraud company


By Vincent M. Walden, CFE, CPA



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